Our campaigns and resources are developed according to key independent research and clinical advice. Information used is gathered from authoritative studies and knowledge gained from consulting with experts in the fields of public health, neuroscience, epidemiology, and child/adolescent psychology.
Choose to DrinkWise
DrinkWise and Retail Drinks Australia developed the Choose to DrinkWise initiative to ensure that national liquor retailers and independently owned and operated liquor store customers are reminded of the importance of drinking in moderation and making smart choices when it comes to purchasing and drinking alcohol.
Stay tasteful while tasting
We want to ensure visitors to Australia’s cellar doors have a safe and enjoyable experience. That’s why DrinkWise in partnership with the National Wine Foundation and Australian Grape & Wine created the Stay tasteful while tasting resources (including the innovative scratchie card) to increase cellar door visitors understanding of how many pours (tastings) add up to a standard drink and provide a practical solution for moderating their drinking.
Get the Facts: labeling on alcohol products and packaging
DrinkWise encourages all alcohol producers to prominently feature the Get the Facts message on all products and packaging. The customisable artwork is available for free download.
Liquor Accord partnerships to promote moderation
DrinkWise works in partnership with local Liquor Accords to ensure moderation messages are available to remind customers who choose to drink, to do so responsibly. The Liquor Accord materials clearly set expectations around acceptable behaviour at the point of purchase so individuals can make informed choices about their alcohol consumption.
Standard Drinks Poster
In Australia, a standard drink contains 10 grams of alcohol, regardless of the type of beverage. Understanding standard drink measurements is essential for making informed choices about alcohol consumption.
Download this poster (available in A4, A3 and A1) to discover examples of various product types, their alcohol volumes and corresponding standard drink measurements. It’s a handy guide to help you stay informed and drink responsibly.
Age gating: limiting access for underage teenagers
Age gating resources have been developed for alcohol producers industry wide to apply on their websites to ensure underaged teenagers who try to access their alcohol product websites are redirected to a video that features medical expert Dr Andrew Rochford explaining about some of the reasons why teenagers should avoid drinking until at least 18-years of age.
Choose to DrinkWise
DrinkWise and Retail Drinks Australia developed the Choose to DrinkWise initiative to ensure that national liquor retailers and independently owned and operated liquor store customers are reminded of the importance of drinking in moderation and making smart choices when it comes to purchasing and drinking alcohol.
Stay tasteful while tasting
We want to ensure visitors to Australia’s cellar doors have a safe and enjoyable experience. That’s why DrinkWise in partnership with the National Wine Foundation and Australian Grape & Wine created the Stay tasteful while tasting resources (including the innovative scratchie card) to increase cellar door visitors understanding of how many pours (tastings) add up to a standard drink and provide a practical solution for moderating their drinking.
Get the Facts: labeling on alcohol products and packaging
DrinkWise encourages all alcohol producers to prominently feature the Get the Facts message on all products and packaging. The customisable artwork is available for free download.
Liquor Accord partnerships to promote moderation
DrinkWise works in partnership with local Liquor Accords to ensure moderation messages are available to remind customers who choose to drink, to do so responsibly. The Liquor Accord materials clearly set expectations around acceptable behaviour at the point of purchase so individuals can make informed choices about their alcohol consumption.
Standard Drinks Poster
In Australia, a standard drink contains 10 grams of alcohol, regardless of the type of beverage. Understanding standard drink measurements is essential for making informed choices about alcohol consumption.
Download this poster (available in A4, A3 and A1) to discover examples of various product types, their alcohol volumes and corresponding standard drink measurements. It’s a handy guide to help you stay informed and drink responsibly.
Age gating: limiting access for underage teenagers
Age gating resources have been developed for alcohol producers industry wide to apply on their websites to ensure underaged teenagers who try to access their alcohol product websites are redirected to a video that features medical expert Dr Andrew Rochford explaining about some of the reasons why teenagers should avoid drinking until at least 18-years of age.