The importance of moderation during COVID-19
COVID-19 created great uncertainty for many Australians, particularly in relation to our
- health
- mental well-being
- general feelings of stability and financial security.
DrinkWise created videos featuring our Ambassador, Dr Andrew Rochford, reminding Australians about the dangers of drinking too much during times of such stress.
Dr Rochford explained that, while some people may have been tempted to turn to alcohol as a coping mechanism, it does not help. It can make difficult situations worse. He emphasised the importance, for those who chose to drink alcohol, of not drinking too much. Dr Rochford also reminded us that it’s very important for parents to continue to be good role models, especially if they choose to consume alcohol in front of their children.
Dr Rochford featured in a series of three videos:

Drinking in moderation during COVID-19: acknowledging that the implications of COVID-19 can create stress and anxiety, encouraging people not to use alcohol as a short-term fix and reminding Australians to reach out to support one another.

Australian alcohol guidelines: addressing the importance of moderation during uncertain times, reminding Australians about the alcohol guidelines and urging them to seek help if needed. The Australian guidelines to reduce health risks from drinking alcohol (which were under review when this video was made) recommend that to reduce the risk of harm from alcohol-related disease or injury, healthy men and women should drink no more than 10 standard drinks a week and no more than 4 standard drinks on any one day.

Parental influence: reminding parents about the importance of being a good role model for their children. You can get further information here.
In addition to this activity, DrinkWise partnered with the New South Wales Police, Northern Territory Police and the Australian Capital Territory Police to create resources. These resources acknowledged that while Australians faced uncertainty during the pandemic and may have been feeling stressed and anxious, consuming alcohol as a coping mechanism was not the answer.
Through messaging on social media and radio stations, we encouraged anyone concerned about theirs or others’ drinking, to seek help and advice from organisations such as:
- Beyond Blue (1800 512 348)
- 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732)
- the Men’s Referral Service (1300 766 491).