Australian Open Bowls Championship

The DrinkWise and Bowls Australia partnership launched in July 2021 during the Australian Open Bowls Championship on the Gold Coast. At this time, research indicated an estimated 1.3 million Australians over the age of 50 were drinking at risky levels1. Research also showed that despite a predicted 30% increase globally in the volume of zero and low alcohol products over the next three years2, 72%of Australians aged 50+ had not tried a lower strength alcohol product as a way to reduce their alcohol consumption3.

The DrinkWise and Bowls Australia partnership provides an important platform to promote safe drinking patterns for lawn bowls payers and supporters. DrinkWise branding was on full display across the Australian Open finals, including in the lead up to the event, Bowls Premier League and World Bowls Championship events. Targeted localised activity also took place through local community bowls clubs, promoting positive drinking messages.

Backed by Research

As an evidence-based organisation, DrinkWise relies on key independent research and clinical advice to underpin our campaigns and programs. The following insights informed the partnership with Bowls Australia and the Lighter choice. Better bowls campaign:

The Australian guidelines to reduce health risks from drinking alcohol (‘the Guidelines’) from the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) advise that to reduce the risk of harm from alcohol-related disease or injury, healthy men and women should drink no more than 10 standard drinks a week and no more than four standard drinks on any one day. The less you drink, the lower your risk of harm from alcohol. 

In July and August of 2021, DrinkWise commissioned research of over 3,000 Australians to better understand their drinking habits and found4,:

  • 43% of drinkers are looking to cut back on their consumption.
  • 61% of Australians believed that providing zero and lower-strength alcohol products allows consumers to take greater responsibility and control of their drinking choices.
  • Over 70% of 55+ drinkers believe there is an opportunity for consumers to take greater responsibility and control of their drinking habits through the availability of lower and zero strength alcohol products.
  • There is an opportunity to raise awareness of the options of zero, low and mid-strength products since they are becoming increasingly popular choices and are aligning with the changing tastes of Australians.

This launch in Queensland was also strategically aligned with the DrinkWise study4 which indicated Queenslanders are significantly more likely to be drinking alcohol at risky levels than the nation’s average (34% vs 28%). Drinkers in the Sunshine State also agreed that providing access to lower strength and zero alcohol products allows consumers to take greater control of their drinking choices (58%).

With two thirds of bowls participants aged 60 and over, the partnership comes at an important time with research finding an estimated 1.3 million Australians over the age of 50 are drinking at risky levels1.

  1. National Centre on Education, Training and Addiction, Ageing and Alcohol: Drinking Typologies among Older Adults, Journal of Ageing, 2020 ( 0898264320936953)
  2. IWSR Global Zero and Low Alcohol Strategic Study, January 2021.
  3. 89 Degrees East, Health Wellness and Drinking Habits of over 50s, April 2021.
  4. DrinkWise research of Alcohol Consumer Behaviours, July-August 2021.

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